CUCC Club Rides

There are a number of club rides for roadies and MTBers that take place each week. The club road rides take place three days a week - Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The mountain bike group rides, meanwhile, take place on a more ad-hoc basis with email being sent to the mailing list to organise them. Most rides start from 'Brookside' at 1:30 - if you are in any doubt though, email the list. In the summer there is also a "Chain-Gang" ride for those who like pain.

The CUCC to group riding on the road can be found here

Day Time Start Length Speed Type Route
Tuesday   NEW TIME 18:45   Newnham Corner   1.5 hours   Either fast or new slow chaingang   Road   Map
Thursday   1NEW TIME18:00   Brookside   1.5 hours   Medium   Road   Map
Saturday   10:30am   Impington village college   2-3 hours   Multi ability with several groups   Road  
Saturday   1:30pm   Brookside   2-3 hours   Steady   Road  
Saturday   1:30pm   Brookside   2 hours   Slow   Road  
Sunday   1:30pm   Brookside   2 hours   Variable   MTB NOTE - this may not always happen, EMAIL THE LIST to check! 
The pace of each ride shown is meant as an indicator and generally speaking will be stuck to. Please bear in mind that during the race season (Lent and May terms) that the return pace may be very high, so it is wise to know the route of the ride. The Chain Gang only happens during the May term and is as fast as the riders can manage.

Not sure which ride to go on?

If you are new to riding or want to ride slowly go with Paul Hudson's ride on saturday, or alternatively email him to arrange a time that suits you

If you have experience of road riding or want to go faster than Paul's group, but not too fast then try the Thursday ride.

If you are a fit and seasoned roadie/tester go with either the Thursday ride for steady riding or with either the Tuesday ride for a fast paced session or the summer chaingang for a race-pace session.

If you're a MTBer come out on the sunday ride or email the list to find out what the MTBers are doing that week.

The Saturday Road Ride

The club Saturday ride is the 'steadyist' ride of the lot, with the aim being to cover the distance at a steady pace. Depending on how many people turn up, the ride may split up into different groups depending on what people want to do. The route is not well defined although the tendency is to go south towards Saffron Walden and some hills (yes, they do exist near Cambridge - but they're still not very big)

There are also two other alternatives - the slow ride goes with Paul Hudson and is intended to be around 20mph averaging roughly 12mph. This is well suited to less fit riders, or those learning the ropes. No-one will get dropped and it is not intended to be painful!

The ride leaving from Impington is not exclusively a club ride, but has a number of riders from the area. The ability range is wide and there are usually 2 or 3 groups going from there. The fastest of these will be pretty quick, with the other groups for the mortals amongst us...

The Tuesday Road Rides

Fast Ride

The faster of the Tuesday rides is the fastest ride of the lot. The speed will be fairly high (about 21mph) and as such is probably not suitable for all riders.
Route Map

The Thursday Road Rides

Fast Ride

The medium Thursday ride is slightly slower than the Tuesday ride and is suitable for some reasonably fast (about 19mph) steady miles. The route is as follows:
Route Map

Slow Ride

*please note this ride does not always take place - email the club email list to find out*

The Sunday MTB Ride

The MTB ride on Sunday starts from Brookside and heads out in search of trails around Cambridge. The route depends on who is there and where they fancy going as does the speed (although it is always slower than Fridays), but the atmosphere is friendly and no-one gets left behind. Please note that if there is a trip away at the weekend, this local ride is unlikely to happen.

Summer Chain-Gang

The Summer Chain Gang goes out usually on Tuesday evenings during easter term. It is a very fast ride where riders take turns at the front in the style of a team time trial. The speed is high and some very accomplished riders frequently take part so it is advisable to make sure you know the route:
Route Map

Where is Brookside?